Happy ending thanks to the dating app: 8 moving stories from real life


Stories of shame about horror dates are a dime a dozen on the web: from people who have been catfished to stingy date partners to people who simply don't show up at the meeting point.

For a change, there should be room here for stories that are so sweet that they could just as easily have been filmed as a cheesy romantic comedy.

1. Find lid, offer pot

Who can imagine placing a search for their better half on classified ads That's exactly what a US citizen did on the American counterpart "Craigslist".

His decision not to spend money on a dating app paid off. In 2006 he met the woman there, whom he married in 2011.

2. What takes a long time finally becomes good...

Another American found his significant other on Craigslist . He placed an ad, called the interested party and arranged a meeting with her. At first he was awkward: Because he couldn't interpret the signs of his future wife, they were initially just friends.

But – beware, cheesy alert – when they adopted a baby kitten together, fate took its course. Six months later they got engaged and after a year they married.

Real dating app stories so sweet they could easily have been made into a cheesy romantic comedy.
Real dating app stories so sweet they could have easily been made into a cheesy romantic comedy
Photo by Foto Pettine @fotopettine, via Unsplash

3. … but sometimes less is more!

It doesn't always take months for people to find their dream partner on a dating app . Two singles had only been registered on a dating site for a few days when they met.

It quickly became clear: the two were made for each other . It's not typical of a dating app, but with it the search for a partner online also has a happy ending.

4. Pleasant surprise

The usual case is that the date has tampered with the photos a bit. But the opposite also happens: a man was able to attract the attention of his future fiancée with funny words. His concerns about her appearance, based on past experiences, were not confirmed: in real life she actually looked prettier to him than he expected. After 18 months of dating, the two got engaged.

5. Honesty wins – even online

Sometimes it can be easy - instead of spending ages pondering over a text with which he can present himself in the most impressive way possible, a man decided to the naked truth about his flaws . His future wife found this so courageous that she agreed to go on a date with him. The end of the story: These two former online daters are now married.

6. Love via instant messenger

MSN, AIM, ICQ – who else knows them? Many a couple met there too. What originally started as a prank by his sister unexpectedly led to one man meeting the woman for life . Instead of making fun of him too, the girlfriend showed genuine interest in the man and a date ensued.

All's well that ends well: The two have been happily married since 2005.

7. And again: Instant love!

This couple even met on AOL Messenger - back when dial-up modems were still used. They have been married for almost as long now: a whopping 14 years.

8. Met online, proposed at Disneyland

It almost sounds too good to be true, but yes: This couple has also been happily married since 2010 . The man was initially skeptical because of his previous dating app .

Ultimately, however, he was so convinced of his date that six months later he proposed to her at Snow White's wishing well in Disneyland .

Bonus video on the topic of dating apps: Dream man via APP? Dating apps in check | tough | ProSieben

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Joachim D.https://www.dating-vergleich.com
Online editor, copywriter and publicist in the field of online dating since 2012. Passionate blogger for over 10 years with diverse interests and many years of expertise in the market for dating sites, dating apps, dating agencies and flirt chats through hundreds of product tests, expert interviews and intensive research over more than a decade .

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