The secret of irresistible masculinity and masculine attractiveness


Men, like women, are supposed to be everything according to some people's attitudes. Reliable provider, tough but warm and fair. Unwavering and at the same time empathetic, sensitive and emotional.

Technically capable and gifted but also a good dancer who likes to cuddle and is good with children, is kind to animals, has an unwavering opinion but is not obstinate or stubborn. He should be tough – but also capable of crying.

Is your head spinning too? This is anything but surprising. The requirements are so diverse and sometimes contradictory that they can only cause confusion.

What is masculinity? What defines masculinity and what is masculine?

As simple as these questions may sound, an answer is not so easy to find. In a biological sense, it is easy to define the male gender. But not in the romantic and social areas.

What is the secret of true masculinity?
What is the secret of true masculinity?
Photo by Jakob Owens @jakobowens1, via

What can be defined are, on the one hand, external characteristics and, on the other hand, certain characteristics that are more often attributed to men than to women.

These include, for example:

  • Beard growth and increased body hair
  • distinctive facial features
  • deep voice
  • stronger muscles
  • large stature
  • confident appearance
  • strong-willed
  • calm and confident
  • assertive

Does this mean that the clean-shaven man under 1.8 m, who likes to laugh and talk a lot, listens to others and doesn't stick to his opinion no matter what, is unmanly or has worse cards when it comes to flirting?

No. Because, as always in life, it is the overall package that counts and not a single feature. It's true that some men appear more masculine with a beard or that their facial features have a more distinctive character. A clean-shaven face or a man with little beard does not make him any less masculine.

What is crucial is that the appearance is authentic and suits you. Two factors in particular are crucial for this . Once these are set up, the rest often falls into place automatically.

How do you become more masculine? among others, deals with this question in detail.

Of course, you can grow a beard, build muscles and refrain from showing emotions. However, pretending to be yourself is neither healthy nor recommended in the medium or long term.

If you like cooking, sewing or baking - go for it! If you don't know anything about repairs, that doesn't take away your manhood. Men who are respected and “well received” are men who do not define themselves by characteristics that are generally viewed as typically male or typically female.

That's why the question shouldn't be how to become more masculine, but how to become more confident.

How can you boost your self-confidence as a man?

Self-confident people are well received - regardless of whether they are a woman or a man.

Care and appearance

Self-worth and self-confidence should not depend on appearances. However, when we take care of ourselves and pay attention to our appearance, we send an important and valuable message to ourselves and those around us. We show that we are worth it.

Go to the hairdresser regularly, pay attention to your clothes and maintain an upright posture, do sports - you don't have to become an Armani-wearing bodybuilder who is always perfectly styled. A well-groomed appearance that matches your style still conveys self-confidence.

Overcome challenges

Whether it's tackling a challenging project, conquering a fear, learning a new skill, or pushing yourself to approach unfamiliar people, go beyond yourself one step at a time. This creates a sense of achievement, which in turn strengthens self-confidence and self-confidence.

Create a strong environment

A strong environment can do wonders for self-confidence. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and have a positive influence on you, support you and make you feel good. To do this, keep your distance from people who take advantage of you or get in your way.

Be helpful

When you help others, whether through volunteering or simple neighborhood assistance, you can improve your self-esteem and create experiences that you can be proud of. But also learn to say “no” and not allow yourself to be taken advantage of.

Strengths and weaknesses

Be aware of your strengths and remind yourself of them regularly. It doesn't have to be about great heroic deeds or superpowers.

Maybe you are a good listener, a good cook, like to make other people happy, are always there for your family and friends, or are particularly good with animals.

If you find it difficult to become aware of your own strengths, ask people close to you. Be kind, but also honest with yourself and own up to your weaknesses. Self-confident people don't need to present themselves as perfect and have no problem owning up to their weaknesses.

Gaining self-confidence: tips, tricks, advice and help

The following tips and advice can help to increase self-confidence and avoid typical problems.

Learn to accept help

If you don't know where to start or have problems with some steps, get individual help and guidance, such as from a flirt coach. This shows how you can become more confident while remaining yourself.

Don't pretend

Beard and suit or clean-shaven and hooded sweater, cooking or jogging, dancing or shooting - it doesn't hurt to try new things. But don't try to force yourself into a role and pretend. Overcome yourself and leave your comfort zone every now and then but remain yourself.

Build respect

Think of a person who is self-confident and around whom you feel comfortable or who has perhaps even helped you. We generally feel comfortable with people who respect us and respond to us. Constant criticism, derogatory comments or “jokes” at the expense of others, on the other hand, are more likely to indicate low self-esteem.

Respect and build yourself and others up.

The difference between self-confidence and arrogance

Quite a few people confuse self-confidence with arrogance and putting other people down. They want to feel better by believing they are something.

However, this has nothing to do with self-confidence. Truly confident people are comfortable in their own skin and want to improve - not put others down.

Also understand that masculinity cannot be defined by one or a few characteristics. Neither does femininity.

Joachim D.
Online editor, copywriter and publicist in the field of online dating since 2012. Passionate blogger for over 10 years with diverse interests and many years of expertise in the market for dating sites, dating apps, dating agencies and flirt chats through hundreds of product tests, expert interviews and intensive research over more than a decade .

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