In love with an older woman: longing for a cougar


Some men are downright enchanted by the erotic attraction that an older woman has on them. You are attracted to her and crave her attention. In this article we will delve into the longing for a “cougar” and examine the reasons for the fascination.

Hey you! So you're in love with an older woman and want to know the best way to proceed? Then you are exactly right here!

This blog article is about the longing for a cougar and how you can best satisfy it.

What is Cougar Dating?

You've probably heard of cougar dating , but what exactly does this term mean? Cougar dating describes a relationship between an older woman and a younger man. It's not just about the age difference, but also about the distribution of roles .

The cougar is usually the more dominant party, calling the shots and wooing the younger man. Many men are attracted to the experience and maturity of an older woman and specifically seek out cougar dating relationships. But this type of relationship can also be very fulfilling for the cougar as it makes her feel young and desirable again.

Cougar Dating - The longing for a more mature woman
Cougar Dating – The Longing for a More Mature Woman
Photo by Jonathan Borba @jonathanborba, via Unsplash

However, if you are interested in cougar dating, you should note that there are also negative prejudices and social taboos . It is important that you meet your partner on an equal level and build your relationship on respect and trust.

Why young men like older women – 10 reasons

1. You know yourself

The longer you have spent life in your own body, the better you know it and your mind, heart and soul. Many younger women still aren't sure what they want in relationships, sex, and life, so they can't ask for it. Many men appreciate older women's ability to ask about their wants and needs - no guesswork required.

They also know what they are looking for in younger men.

2. You are sexually empowered

Some people say that women don't reach their sexual peak until their 30s or even 40s. This may be due to hormonal reasons or simply because older women have had the opportunity to get to know their bodies and discover what they like.

When a woman knows exactly what she likes, it takes the pressure off men to figure it out for themselves. Older women are also often less inhibited and more willing to relax and get adventurous in the bedroom, which helps the men they're with feel comfortable doing so.

3. You are financially stable

Men often face societal expectations that they be financially responsible for their partners, so having a partner who is financially stable can be a weight off their shoulders. Dating a woman who can support herself opens up endless possibilities, from extravagant vacations to a beautiful apartment that you can both help finance.

4. They are not eager to settle down

If a woman has already done the whole marriage-and-kids thing - or has reached the age where she could and has decided against it - she will be a perfect match for a younger man who isn't looking for anything serious. Both people can enjoy the moment and have fun without worrying about achieving a specific goal. If you want to date a divorced older woman, check out these possible red flags.

5. They have strong social networks

One of the fun things about entering a new relationship is getting to know the other person's friends, family, and colleagues. This will probably be even more exciting with someone who is older and has had time to establish themselves in the world and make connections with lots of interesting people.

A younger man will appreciate the new friends an older woman can introduce him to and the fun trips they can go on together.

6. You are professionally established

Contrary to the stereotype of the man bringing home the bacon while the woman does the housework, many men value strong career women. These women likely have interesting things to talk about, interesting people to introduce you to, and confident energy that many find sexy. An educated and successful woman is also more likely to have well-thought-out opinions and be a great conversationalist.

7. You have a lot to do

Having a life of your own is attractive, and older women's lives are often filled with family, friends, work and activities - so much so that they cannot rely on their partners to keep them busy. This leaves a man dating an older woman free to pursue his own interests without fear of his partner feeling left out.

8. People become more attractive as they age

Women are taught that their attractiveness declines once they turn 30, but many women actually become more attractive as they age, in part because they have learned what styles and looks suit them best and their confidence and happiness shine through. There is a special glow that comes from loving yourself and knowing who you are.

9. They can teach you a thing or two

With age comes wisdom, and many younger men are eager to learn from a wise older woman. Their life experience allows them to give their partner advice and help them understand the ways of the world. Because when someone needs advice, their partner is often the first person they turn to.

And while they give a younger man the perspective that comes with age and experience, he can inform them about what's happening in modern culture.

10. The power dynamic can be a turn-on

Some men find dating someone older and more powerful a turn-on. These men like the idea of ​​being submissive or being in the presence of someone who is dominant and commanding. They enjoy being told exactly what to do by someone who is confident and knows what they want.

Not all older women want to play this role, but many can.

Haven't read enough reasons yet? find further clues and opinions in the online discussion on Quora “Why do some men like older women?”

How to successfully hit on an older woman

So you've fallen in love with an older woman and want to successfully hit on her? No problem, I have a few tips for you.

First of all, you should stay away from the typical pick-up lines. Older women usually have already gained enough experience and are not easily impressed.

Instead, approach her in a charming and respectful way . Show interest in her person and listen carefully. It can also be helpful if you are knowledgeable about their areas of interest. Maybe you share the same passion for art or music?

Use this as a topic of conversation and show that you can keep up with her on an intellectual level . Another important point is appearance. You don't necessarily have to look like a model, but make sure you're well-groomed and stylishly dressed.

An older woman is more likely to take you seriously if you act confidently and feel comfortable in your own skin. Lastly, don't put too much pressure on yourself. If it doesn't work right away, it's not the end of the world. An older woman often needs more time to build trust.

Be patient and be yourself. If it really fits, everything will work itself out.

How the longing for a cougar develops

You may be wondering why you're suddenly attracted to older women. There are various reasons why the desire for a cougar develops. On the one hand, older women can exude a certain maturity and experience that many men find attractive. They know what they want and are often confident in life.

On the other hand, getting involved in a relationship with an older woman can also be a kind of adventure. It can be appealing to try something new and break away from the routine of everyday life. Ultimately, however, it is important that the relationship is based on mutual respect and trust, regardless of the age difference.

If you are attracted to an older woman, you should talk to her openly and honestly about it and find out together whether a relationship between you can work.

Importance of communication and trust in a relationship between younger men and older women

When it comes to relationships between younger men and older women, communication and trust is crucial. It is important that both partners communicate openly and honestly with each other to avoid misunderstandings and build a strong connection.

Trust is also essential as it forms the basis of a healthy relationship. When you can rely on each other and feel safe, you can build a deeper emotional connection and maintain the relationship long-term. It is also important that both partners treat each other with respect and support each other.

In love with an older woman? Trust and communication play a central role
In love with an older woman?
Trust and communication play a central role Photo by Jonathan Borba @jonathanborba, via Unsplash

Taking these aspects into account in a relationship between a younger man and an older woman can create a fulfilling and happy relationship.

Challenges of dating older women

1. Other people can judge you

It's inevitable that some people will judge you for dating an older woman. Many people will simply be happy for you that you have found someone who makes you feel special or who you can have fun with, but there will be people who believe that age is much more than just a number.

Sometimes they will be vocal about it to you, and other times they will just murmur in the shadows or talk about the two of you behind your back. Sometimes it comes from complete strangers who really shouldn't care about your business at all, and sometimes it comes from the people closest to you.

A lot of this will depend on how much older the woman you're dating is or how much older she looks than you. When you start getting past the 7 year mark, we've noticed that the grumbling from others starts.

2. You are in different phases of life

It's no secret that you both will be at different stages of life. The bottom line about what makes an older woman an older woman is that she is older. This means that the things they deal with at their stage of life will be different than what you deal with. The greater the age difference, the more this applies.

For example, they may have different health concerns than you do. The things a 30-year-old woman needs to worry about are very different than a 20-year-old woman or a 40- or 50-year-old woman. The same goes for her job and her finances. A 20-year-old woman may not care much about retirement planning, but a woman in her 40s certainly does.

The point is, you may have to deal with life situations before you ever expected. You may have to grow up pretty quickly and end up dealing with life situations from both your age group and theirs.

3. It won't work if you're not emotionally mature

As mentioned earlier, older women don't like drama and aren't interested in repeating the crap they had to go through when they were younger and dating. They don't expect you to turn into an old man (they enjoy the fun you bring to the table), but they do expect you to act like an adult about certain things.

Most importantly, they want you to be emotionally mature and able to communicate like an adult.

4. Older women can bring emotional baggage

As we move forward in life, we accumulate baggage. Some of us have more baggage than others. You have to be willing to accept the fact that the older woman you're interested in may have some emotional baggage. She could have children, ex-husbands , or other relationship things that she's been through.

Does that make them any less great? Not at all. While some people see luggage as a bad thing, we like to think that it helps define who we are today. She wouldn't be the same person you're interested in if she didn't combine the life experiences she's had.

If you want to date an older woman, you should be prepared to accept her baggage. This doesn't mean you should suddenly become a father to her children or anything crazy like that. But it means that you have to accept who she is and not judge her for the choices she made in front of you.

5. There can be problems if you want to have children

A woman's body is only capable of having children for a certain period of her life - it just is. If you want to have biological children with your partner, this can be a problem depending on how much older the woman is.

Whether this is actually a disadvantage or perhaps an advantage depends on your personal life and relationship goals. Additionally, if children are something you both want, there are always great options like adoption. However, age can also be a limiting factor.

6. She may be looking for more than you can offer

What we're trying to convey with this point is that some older women love the idea of ​​dating a younger man, but they still want the maturity and life experience that comes with a man or woman their age.

What this often looks like in practice is a lot of great erotic chemistry, but problems when it comes to conversation or anything that isn't a sexual interaction. If this happens, should you change? Absolutely not. Remember that you are still young and that is one of the great things about you!

Quora also offers an excellent discussion stream on the pros and cons of cougar dating here: “ What are the pros and cons of dating a cougar?” Unfortunately this time only in English. However, you can use the translation function integrated in the browser to read the articles in German.

What you should consider when falling in love with an older woman

If you've fallen in love with an older woman, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, you should be aware that it may not always be easy. A relationship with an older woman can come with some challenges, such as different life experiences or expectations of the relationship.

It is important that you are ready to accept these challenges and overcome them together with your partner. You should also make sure that you don't only desire your partner because of her age. It's important that you value and respect her as a person, regardless of her age.

A relationship should be based on mutual respect and trust, regardless of age differences . It can also be helpful to talk openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings and expectations. Open communication can help avoid misunderstandings and build a strong relationship.

Ultimately, you shouldn't let social norms or prejudices influence you. If you're happy with your partner, that's all that matters. Don't let others stop you from pursuing what your heart desires.


A relationship with an older woman, a cougar, can be an exciting and fulfilling experience. But there are also challenges that should not be underestimated. It takes openness, trust and respect on both sides to have such a relationship. You should also be aware that there are social prejudices and stereotypes that are sometimes difficult to overcome.

But if you truly love each other and are there for each other, these obstacles can be overcome.

Overall, it is important to listen to your heart and not let external factors influence you. Because in the end, what counts is what you experience and feel together.

Joachim D.
Online editor, copywriter and publicist in the field of online dating since 2012. Passionate blogger for over 10 years with diverse interests and many years of expertise in the market for dating sites, dating apps, dating agencies and flirt chats through hundreds of product tests, expert interviews and intensive research over more than a decade .

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